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Holidays and Funeral Services

Trying to find balance in celebrating and grieving 

Dear Friends,

The holiday season is one of the most cherished times of the year for the majority of people.  Yet, for some, this time of the year is difficult to process and endure due to the loss of a loved one.  Very often, the last large gathering of family was in support of one another at a funeral service, and the thought of seeing those faces again evoke anxiety and fear.  This happens often when this year is the first year of a chair that now sits empty, a personality that is now absent, a laughter that is heard no longer.  In reality, those fears and feelings can overwhelm us in the years that follow.  The sights, sounds, and smells of Thanksgiving and Christmas are enjoyed and engrained within the context of the loved ones that surround us during those special moments.  Since we are by nature relational, even the best of family gatherings can be difficult when there are faces no longer present.  How do we celebrate the season and work through the grief?

To those who find themselves struggling with even the thoughts of gathering for the holidays...

1. You are not alone in your struggles, but if you choose to skip the gatherings you have decided to struggle alone.  Isolating oneself is not healthy.  Being present is far better for you and your family than being absent, even with your grief.

2. Talk about the one you miss to those around you.  They most likely want to talk about them too, but for fear of upsetting you they may remain quiet about the subject.  Remember, just because your loved one is no longer with you does not mean they were never a part of you or your family.

3. You are paying homage to your loved one by enjoying the holidays, especially if they enjoyed them as well.  There is no guilt is continuing to live, so live and love as you both once did.

4. Do not miss the life around you in the lives of the ones that love you the most.  As healthy as grief may be, like anything else grief can cause us to focus so much on what we have lost that we miss what we still have.  The focus has to change from "how a great a loss" to "how greatly we were blessed" and "how can we pass it along to others".

Finding this balance is no easy chore.  Some minutes are easier than others.  To be sure, this is more about working through a process than achieving a one-time goal.  And, as you work through your grief, you will also be teaching those around you how to live through the loss, love through the pain, and smile even though it is accompanied with tears.


After decades of sacrificial service and dedicated commitment to the grieving families of the Shoals area and beyond, Mr. H. Wayne Pate calls it a career.  He began serving in funeral service in the 1970's with Morrison-Elkins.  From there, Wayne also served in Franklin County, Alabama, and Tishomingo County, Mississippi, working at Akins and Deaton.  However, in 2000 Wayne came back to Morrison Funeral Home.  Day or night, rain or shine, Wayne has answered the call.  We are grateful to both Wayne, and his wife Charlotte, for their faithful service to grieving families, funeral service, and Morrison Funeral Homes.On September 2, 2020, the National Funeral Directors Association announced that Morrison Funeral Homes was a recipient of the 2020 Pursuit of Excellence Award.  Only 141 funeral homes from across the nation were chosen for this honor.  Those achieving this distinction have demonstrated "a commitment to raising the bar on funeral service excellence by adhering to strict ethical and professional standards and providing outstanding service to families and communities."  This is the seventh time Morrison Funeral Homes has been recognized as a Pursuit of Excellence Award winner. 

Morrison Cremation Care Center

Morrison Cremation Care Center

While traditional burial overwhelmingly continues to be the preferred method of disposition, there are options when it comes to memorializing a loved one.  To better serve the needs of Northwest Alabama and Southern Middle Tennessee, Morrison Funeral Homes installed an onsite crematory in 2003.

The number of Shoals area families who have chosen cremation has increased over the last 18 years.  To meet those rising needs, we are please to announce the opening of MORRISON CREMATION CARE CENTER, a facility completely dedicated to cremation.  It is located adjoining our Morrison Funeral Home Tuscumbia location.  With state-of-the-art equipment and an intimate area for family memorialization and participation, this new facility is designed to serve grieving families with cremation needs.

“Setting the Standards for Tomorrow… Holding to the Values of Yesterday” It is not just our slogan; it is our commitment to those we serve.

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